RequireNativeComponent: "XYZ" was not found in the UIManager.


Im trying to add the react-native-image-crop-tools package to my managed Expo app through EAS, the build is working and I can get the app to work on my iPhone, however when the component is rendered the following error occurs Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "CropView" was not found in the UIManager.

In the package README the following instructions are given on how to install the library for iOS

iOS: Add pod 'react-native-image-crop-tools', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-image-crop-tools' in your podfile below the line use_native_modules!. Then run pod installin iOS folder.

My guess is that the issue lies in this step, however Isn’t this done automatically by EAS? If not, how does one configure EAS to install the pod?

looks like that package requires some manual setup: GitHub - hhunaid/react-native-image-crop-tools: Native-ish Image Crop Tools for react native

So they either need to create a config plugin for their package (or you can submit a PR!), or you’ll need to take control of your ios projects

The config plugin docs do not mention the podfile, do you have an example or some more info on how to configure the pods/podfile? (tried searching google and the forums but nothing came up)

there’s an example of modifying the podfile here: expo-cli/Maps.ts at master · expo/expo-cli · GitHub

but i wonder why this library doesn’t just use autolinking… :thinking: it might be a better use of your time to upstream that change to the library to support autolinking

Thank you! I’ll look into adding autolinking to the library.