Recommended way for using expo packages straight from Github

I’m using expo-bare and expo-unimodules in my projects. There are 2 packages (expo-av and expo-blur) that I can’t use in my production release, because the npm published versions of these packages have bugs in them. Fortunately, these bugs have already been fixed in the Github repository. My question is how can I use the Github versions of these packages?

I tried putting "expo-blur": "expo/expo packages/expo-blur" in packages.json, because I read this is the syntax for installing from a subdirectory in a mono-repo on Github. However, when I want to install the package, it just gives me an option to use 3.0.0 or 4.0.0. I couldn’t find any tags in the Github repository with these version umbers, so I assume it still pulls them from npm.

I also saw there are tools, such as yalc and gitpkg, that, I think, can be used to achieve what I am after.

Rather than trying them out, I thought I could ask here first if there is a recommended way for installing expo-packages straight from Github. Please let me know if there is.

Also, when do you plan on updating the expo-av and expo-blur on npm? If it is very soon, I might as well just wait and just install the updated npm packages when they are out.

Lastly, there is no category on this forum for expo-bare workflow. Should I post future expo-bare questions in the ‘Help: Expo SDK’ or ‘Help: Ejected (ExpoKit)’ category?


Hey! So we don’t have a recommended way for doing this (I think to achieve what you’re looking for you’d have to clone the repo, and then there are some more complicated native changes you’d need to make)

It looks like both of those were published to npm recently, however

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Following up on this ( a little late :sweat_smile:) but you can install a specific branch, if you want, although it’s probably better to wait for the officially released version

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