react-native-scratch-card not working.

I have install the react-native-scratch-card and it is not working. It is showing this following error.

Device: (35:287) Invariant Violation: Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: “RNScratchCardManager” was not found in the UIManager.

This error is located at:
in RNScratchCardManager
in t
in RCTView
in App
in r
in t
in RCTView
in RCTView
in RCTView
in u
in C
in t
in n
in RCTView
in n
in RCTView
in t
in n
in RCTView
in t
in t
in u
in s
in r
in t
in P
in Routes
in RCTView
in App
in RCTView
in RCTView
in n
in n
in v
in RCTView
in RCTView
in c

This error is located at:
in r
in t
in P
in Routes
in RCTView
in App
in RCTView
in RCTView
in n
in n
in v
in RCTView
in RCTView
in c

Hey @ranjitpradhan,

This library is not compatible with a Managed expo project as it requires modification of Native code. GitHub - thebylito/react-native-scratch-card: A ScratchView to React-Native(Android Only)

You’ll need to use the Bare workflow (or an ExpoKit project) to be able to use this library.


Thanks Adam

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