React native debugger expo windows genymotion

Has anyone been able to setup react-native-debugger with expo on windows 10 and a genymotion?
It looks

I think the problem has to do with port.
I start my expo project with

exp start -c --lan

if you need more information you can follow it here

Does plain chrome based debugging work?

Yes it does work. But I like react-native-debugger better.

From this tutorial have you tried: rndebugger://set-debugger-loc?host=localhost&port=19001 you tell the debugger which port expo runs on… By default it’s looking at like 8080 or something, whatever is the standard react-native port…

Yes, I have already tried that by watching this video. That works on macOS but not in windows. Windows command line cannot execute rndebugger://.