Push Notifications with ExpoKit - advice?

Hi @mattschwarz -

Expo notifications are supported only in the Expo client when using XDE/exp (not create-react-native-app) and with standalone apps made with exp build. Detached (ExpoKit) and ejected (bare React Native) are not supported.

It’s likely a good idea to write the AppDelegate’s notification-related methods to interact only with your custom push notification code instead of also interacting with Expo’s (though there might be edge cases around things like passing information about the notification to JS. I’m not sure what those would be, just that I’d code more carefully there.)

My general advice would be to set up notification libraries as if you were implementing notifications in Objective-C without React Native. The RN and Expo parts affect mostly the API between JS and native, and communicating with Apple is all straight Objective-C and standard iOS. Notifications are more complicated to set up than other modules, though, so a library written for React Native might not just work with Expo – Expo uses RN but it isn’t RN and you might need to modify some Objective-C to get things working.