Push Notification Entitlement Missing in ios build

I have let Expo handle everything I can when building with expo build:ios

I have a proper Distribution Cert and that seems to be working great.

Under App ID, I turned on Push Notifications and made certs:

I have an Expo Key under Keys in Dev portal:

I looked at my provisioning profiles on my device using XCode after installing the TestFlight build, and it shows my profiles are correctly installed for the app ID I am using:

I have tried expo fetch:ios:certs, and it looks like Push P12 Password might be missing? Not sure if thats necessary:

While developing, my app asks for permission, then requests a token from expo, then saves it in the db.

In the standalone app, my app will ask for permission, but then not token is saved in the db. I tried using idevicesyslog to check for console.logs I left in there for debugging, but I guess they don’t trigger in a standalone.

I’m getting an email from Apple saying Push Notification Entitlement Missing

I’m not sure what could be missing here??
Is this caused by the Push P12 Password being “(not available)”?

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