POST and PUT fetch requests fail on Android but not on iOS

Anybody faced an issue where a standard fetch request fails on Android (both a Genymotion simulator and an actual device)? All calls succeed on iOS. The error returned by the server is:

"_bodyInit": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><Error><Code>UnsupportedHttpVerb</Code><Message>The resource doesn't support specified Http Verb.
  "_bodyText": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><Error><Code>UnsupportedHttpVerb</Code><Message>The resource doesn't support specified Http Verb.
  "headers": Headers {
    "map": Object {
      "allow": Array [
      "cache-control": Array [
        "public, max-age=0",
      "content-length": Array [
      "content-type": Array [
      "date": Array [
        "Tue, 09 Jan 2018 07:50:43 GMT",
      "expires": Array [
      "server": Array [
      "x-aspnet-version": Array [
      "x-ms-request-id": Array [
      "x-powered-by": Array [
  "ok": false,
  "status": 405,
  "statusText": undefined,
  "type": "default",

Basically this happens with anything requiring a body to be sent in the request and only from Android. I’m certain (even though the above response says differently) that POSTS are allowed as I can do so from Postman and iOS devices. Additionally, I thought perhaps it was a CORS issue so I made that wide open as well. Finally I’ve tried it against other services and I get the same. I’ve been struggling with this all day and am hoping somebody might have some guidance.



Hi, Roland!

Though you’ve already ruled it out in this case, one thing I can say for the future is that the problem will never be CORS; it’s only a consideration when fetching from a browser’s javascript runtime, not in an expo app.

Are you specifying the http verb in your calls to fetch? Can you post (pun unavoidable, sorry) an example of a call that fails? Anonymized as needed, of course.

Thanks for reaching out Nick. I wasn’t able to actually figure out the issue but my Azure Functions were written in Node. I rewrote them in C# and magically all was good without me having to change my react-native code. Go figure. Not sure what is so different between the C# and node public web service interfaces on the Microsoft stack that cause it to reject the calls from Android but after a quick port of all my services I’m all good now!

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