Please add react-native-community/art to expo SDK

I using react-native-progress v4 but i got error requireNativeComponent “ART Shape” was not found UI Manager. I found this
react-native-progress V4 and above rely on the react-native-community version if the ART library, which is not included in the Expo SDK.

ART no longer part of react-native

true, but we maintain a fork of it so you can continue using it from that library. A good workaround here is, like you said, to use v3 of react-native-progress . Otherwise, if it’s imperative that you upgrade to v4 of react-native-progress , you could use the bare workflow and thus install any native libraries you’d like!


I suggest you upvote this feature request:

If you have more information about why @react-native-community/art and/or react-native-progress are useful, please also add a comment explaining that.

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Yes.It is very useful for using react-native-progress v4 library. when I upgraded to sdk36 the art library was removed from react-native and got the same error. If I using react-native-progress v3 i got error “No component found for view with name ARTShape” and upgraded to react-native-progress v4 will be fix that :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

OK, please add that comment on the feature request so that the Expo team can see why it’s useful.