ota updates publish to release channell but to changes appear on app from app store or google play

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 4.12.11
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android and IOS

hey guys, i submitted my expo app to apple store and google play with expo 4.12.11 version (which im still using).
i have been using expo ota with no problems for the last few months.
last night i made an ota update, when ruuning the release channel i saw all changes updated with no problems, but when opening the app i downloaded from app store or google play store i see no changes. even after closing and opening the app.
on app json i have
“updates”: {
“enabled”: true,
“fallbackToCacheTimeout”: 0

any help will be much appreciated!

Hey @punct, you are listing your expo-cli version not your SDK version (which would be something between 39-43). Also, can you let me know how you built the binary that is currently in production?


the issue was i updated the expo-sdk so it wont publish the changes to the stores. thanks any way!

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