"npm exited with non zero code: 190" when trying to upgrade expo from 37 to 44

There’s something very weird going on on your machine.

What happens if you run this in your project:

npm install --legacy-peer-deps expo@^39.0.0

Also, please remove sdkVersion from your app.json.

This is the output from “npm install --legacy-peer-deps expo@^39.0.0”

OK, so it works if you install it manually with the --legacy-peer-deps option.

Try this:

npm_config_legacy_peer_deps=true expo upgrade 39

That should set the legacy peer deps option in an environment variable that npm will see when expo upgrade runs it. Hopefully that will solve the problem.

This is output from the command: npm_config_legacy_peer_deps=true expo upgrade 38

I hopefully will have more time to look into it tomorrow evening.

Thank you!

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Finally! :slight_smile:

This may be appropriate for a new thread but, since you already helped so much I figured I would post here:

Currently when I do the eas build:configure command and follow through, this is the build rejection I am getting.

Ah :slight_smile:

I suspect you switched to @react-native-async-storage/async-storage in your dependencies, so you’ll need to do a search and replace in your code. You might find the same sort of thing with @react-native-community/masked-view@react-native-masked-view/masked-view

That is the latest output, still getting an error but different one now.

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