Notifications suddenly stopped working (InvalidCredentials - Failed to authenticate with the FCM server)

I have been using ExpoPush notifications for about two weeks without issues but today, all my receipt return InvalidCredentials: Failed to authenticate with the FCM server. Ensure the FCM server key you uploaded is correct..

I did not revoke my credentials.

I tried to run expo push:android:upload --api-key <my-key> again with my server key, but I am getting the following result from expo:

Reading project configuration...
Logging in...
Setting API key on Expo's servers...
An unknown error occurred.
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get any solution? same issue here… may be issue of expo server?

No solution, but I see that several people posted the same error on the forum in the last few minutes. So my guess is that something is going on on Expo’s server side.

That’s quite low response rate for issue that’s potentially affects all community. Is the community that small or the issue is related only to the part of expo’s infrastructure.

Seriously - i’m asking.

Same here, I guess there is something wrong with Expo Server too.

We’re facing the same problem. @Expo : please keep us posted when you start working on the issue. My team and I are ready to provide any information or help you might need to reproduce / debug / solve this issue.

Same problem here.

Push ticket fails with Failed to authenticate with the FCM server. Ensure the FCM server key you uploaded is correct. / Invalid (legacy) Server-key delivered or Sender is not authorized to perform request..
When trying to upload the FCM key (again) using expo-cli an “unknown error” occurs:

$ expo push:android:upload --api-key
Reading project configuration…
Logging in…
Setting API key on Expo’s servers…
An unknown error occurred.

Same issue here

Reading project configuration…
Logging in…
Setting API key on Expo’s servers…
An unknown error occurred.

The issue still persist. Any updates on this?
The status pages are showing that everything is working normally.

I can confirm the issue, haven’t changed anything in at least 2 weeks and this start happening suddenly

Same issue here

Hey everyone! We’re looking into this, thanks for bringing it to our attention!


When you run expo push:android:show, is the key returned the same as the key shown in your Firebase project?

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I’m having the same issue. And yes the key is the same.

ie the key is correct, so I shouldn’t need to re upload. That was just a last ditch attempt for me at trying to identify why I can’t send notifications to android suddenly. eg ExponentPushToken[yDNkQ0K1VoZgHaU22j1VID]

Where are the status pages?

Hi, I’m implementing the functionality, and everything that is in the backend (Laravel) works perfect, when I want to do the upload of the FCM to be able to finish configuring the notifications, it gives that error.

I’ve changed the key thinking my token expired because of the error message. Now I cannot upload a new token

In our project the keys stay the same too.