Not Receiving Push Notification on published apps

Hi Everyone,

When we send push notifications when the app is opened on Expo it works, but when the apps (IOS and Android) are published on Play Store or Apple Store and we try to send notifications they don’t seem to work.

Is there any reason to this? Will the notifications not work when they are published?

Thanks for any help in advance!

Hey @harleylapuz,

Push notifications are expected to work in production environments (App Store and Play Store versions). How are you sending them? You can use this tool to test delivery. If it works using that, it’s likely a problem with your implementation. Another thing to check is for Push Tickets and Push Receipts.

I see this is your first time posting so I just want to mention that in future it’s best to try and provide as much information as possible such as relevant code, version numbers – such as what SDK version and as much detail as you can muster.


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