Native iOS crash when uploading file with production build

This is happening with SDK 37, on iOS, both with a built app or over expo-cli but only when in production mode.

As far as I can tell it happens after the network handshakes, while trying to upload an image directly to S3. The most useful log I could extract is this:

2020-08-18 23:37:32.854 [fatal][tid:com.facebook.ABI37_0_0React.NetworkingQueue] NSInvalidArgumentException: *** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0]

Any ideas??

I found a relevant RN issue that references the same exception: iOS Native Crash when uploading blobs using aws-sdk · Issue #27857 · facebook/react-native · GitHub

For anyone coming across this, try upgrading to SDK 38 and using FileSystem.uploadAsync

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