missing 'onPlaybackStatusUpdate' warning expo-av

  1. Installed the latest version of expo-av in a bare react native project.
  2. Ios Build with Xcode 10.2 on a local device (Iphone 5) .
  3. Video with property shouldPlay loads and plays only once .

I use the onPlaybackStatusUpdate property with referal to the function below to set the video to 0.

handlePlaybackStatusUpdate = async playbackStatus => {
if (playbackStatus.didJustFinish) {
await this.player.setPositionAsync(0);

  1. I get the warning: Tried to set property ‘onPlaybackStatusUpdate’ on View manager of view ’ ExpoVideoView’ when the view manager does not support such prop.

5.Same code worked with expo module.

This issue is fixed with: