Missing 'Menlo' font when using Victory Charts?

From an e-mail:


I get an error for missing ‘Menlo’ font whenever I run an example for victory-native app. Is there any example of using expo with victory-native?

victory-native of formidable seems to be a very cool api which can render same graphs on web as well as mobile. I didn’t see it mentioned on your official website and I was wondering if you could add proper support for victory-native.


Hello! I created an issue on victory-native about this: https://github.com/FormidableLabs/victory-native/issues/70

That said, it should work fine now on any of the code that doesn’t use the “Menlo” font, or if you just include the Menlo font as described in https://docs.expo.io/versions/v15.0.0/guides/using-custom-fonts.html

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