Metro Bundler Roadmap

Can anyone from the expo team comment on when the Bundle Splitting feature is targeted for released for the Metro Bundler? It appears on this roadmap but does not appear to have a release version target

Hi @kpangbur

I’m not a member of the Expo team, but I believe Expo basically needs to wait for it to be available in Metro.

There is this RFC: discussions-and-proposals/ at main · react-native-community/discussions-and-proposals · GitHub

There’s also some mention of bundle splitting in the Metro docs.

Anyway, if some form of bundle splitting is available in Metro then maybe the Expo team will implement it in Expo SDK 49 (which might be released around the end of next month) or Expo SDK 50 (maybe September).

@bacon might be able to shed some light on this

Thanks for the insight @wodin