MailComposer Attachments not working (android)

@aalices and others

After some attempts, I managed to attach an html file to email with an iPhone - previously did not work but finally worked somehow.

However, it is still not working with my android phone. I have a bad feeling that MailComposer attachment will not work with Android… Please tell me if I am wrong.

I also looked at Share, but I cannot attach anything programmatically.

The only options left for me:
A. detach my app from expo to ExpoKit. - I tried this but so far no luck.
If I can detach my app and still make it work with some email library by linking…

B. If detach and link do not work either, then I have to rebuild my app with pure react native from scratch so that I can install some email library… However, It will be shame to give up expo all together…I have spent last few months building an app with Expo…