Losing my mind: Could not find APNs credentials for host.exp.Exponent

We’re experiencing the same problem!

Same issue. I think It works well with standalone app but not expo client.

Experiencing the same issue today! Could we get an update on this please? thanks

@ide can you please help us

@ide Same issue

the same issue. any solution?

Hi all, we are aware of the APN issue and looking into it. The problem seems confined to the development client and should be working fine on standalone apps. We hope to have everything back to normal ASAP.


hey all, we’ve fixed the issue and push notifications for the Expo Client should be working now. Please let us know if you guys run into any problems. thanks and sorry for the inconvenience


Yes, I can actively confirm this. Having been battling my push notifcation for a few days now. Its finally back working. Thank you so much ! Super happy about this.


@jkhales and @quinlanj thank y’all so much!!

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Thank you, it’s working now

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