Local Detached android does not show new asset or reload

New assets won’t show on my local machine and it doesn’t hot reload or anything either.I changed the release channel to default as well but nothing - any idea what could be going on? It’s a detached expo app - and how do I make sure when I upload and publish the new release my assets show up and dong crash. Ps android app is also crashing on first open in dev,staging,prod

Hey @ajgulati,

How are you handling the assets locally? Pre-fetching? Can you share the relevant code of an asset that isn’t showing.



I handle all assets in the main app.js file

`_loadResourcesAsync = async () => {
return Promise.all([
 'Regular': require("./assets/fonts/HindGuntur-Regular.ttf"),
  'SemiBold': require("./assets/fonts/HindGuntur-SemiBold.ttf"),
  'Bold': require("./assets/fonts/HindGuntur-Bold.ttf")

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