jschelpers/JavaScriptCore.h file not found after ejecting the app

I got jschelpers/JavaScriptCore.h file not found after ejecting the app…

I tried, deleting the Derived Data, pod install, cleaning the npm modules and pods but still having the same problem.

It’s been a bit but I feel like this was the error I was getting and I resolved it by doing the following:

Go to your podfile and under the React pod, add the subspec: "BatchedBridge"

If it’s already in your podfile, I’m mistaken in which case, my bad!


Thank you!

i fixed finally after 3 hours :frowning:

you need to delete node_modules , .xcworkspace, Podfile.lock and Pods folder,


“react-native”: “https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-18.0.1.tar.gz”,

Podfile, add “BatchedBridge”

then ran

npm install

then cd to ios then

pod install.

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