Is there anyway to clear my route stack in exnavigation and replace my route screen?

Use case are below:

  1. When i click on drawer item am not able to refresh that component because it is already in route stack and am not remove that before click on other item in drawer. Because i don’t have any idea how to replace component with open new component on drawer item click.
  2. I need to get click event on drawer item click is it possible.
  3. When i use exnavigation popToTop() that work to clear stack but after that when i click hardware backpress it not working my app freeze and i kill my app using home button.

Hi @kulbhushansingh - unfortunately the ex-navigation library is quite old and unmaintained, and we’re no longer supporting it :disappointed: We recommend that you switch to react-navigation instead, as it is being actively maintained and has a wider community. If you can’t figure out how to do everything you need with it, someone there should be able to help you out!

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