Is it possible to enable Communications Notifications Extension Expo for iOS?

Fyi, I am just an Expo user like you :slight_smile:
@keith-kurak is an Expo team member, though.

Yes, I agree that config plugins are cool and powerful and also that they are initially hard to wrap your head around or know how to start. I think this is mostly a temporary problem, though. Config plugins are still a fairly new concept, so there are still many NPMs that need one, and have not written one themselves. So if you want to use one of those NPMs, you’d need to write the config plugin yourself.

I think that over time more of these dependencies will have their own config plugins, and the chances of you needing to write one will be much lower.

I’ve written a few simple config plugins and I found that the easiest way to go was to find an existing Expo config plugin that did something similar to what I needed to do and basically copy that and modify it.

Places to look for examples:

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