IPA file is too large

IPA size is too large , its showing more than 280 MB , My app is just simple 2 screens app ,please resolve this issue as soon as possible , I already discussed with your team but he sent ( you can find a couple tips within our forums: see iOS IPA for standalone Expo app is large for starters)

please provide me best solution for it

you must be including some huge files or something, or not doing a production build, I have a good sized app and its 30mb

can you please elaborate me process for small size ipa

Hi folks!

Although size of the IPA is big, once uploaded to App Store the download size for final users is much smaller. (250 MB vs 30 MB)

We are working on reducing the app size even further, see Reducing App Size | Voters | Expo. You can also see https://docs.expo.io/versions/v29.0.0/expokit/universal-modules-and-expokit, a new feature of Expo allowing developers to strip out some APIs after detaching. Another thing we’re working on is building standalone apps with only one version of SDK included (at the moment IPAs contain current SDK and around 4 older versions). Once these changes are made, we will certainly notify developers on our blog — https://blog.expo.io/. :slight_smile:

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