iOS TestFlight update ipa with same version does not update js bundle

SDK Version: 39.0.0
Platforms: iOS
Workflow: Managed

What did I do:

  1. Upload an ipa file to TestFlight, version: 3.0.0, build number: 324, release channel: beta, js bundle version: 324(same to build number which is the jenkins build id), runtimeVersion: not set
  2. Add notifications feature, it works in expo and Ad-Hoc standalone App
  3. Upload new ipa file to TestFlight, version: 3.0.0, build number: 419, release channel: beta, js bundle version: 419, runtimeVersion: 1

The problem:

If I install build version 419, the js bundle is 419. But if I install 324 and update to 419, the js bundle is 324.

What I expected is the js bundle version should be 419 rather than 324 when I update the app in TestFlight.

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