iOS standalone app keeps crashing


  1. Expo SDK Version: 3.0.10
  2. Platforms(ios/android/both): both

Hi! I created an app for iOS and Android. The Android version works great, the iOS not so much. The iOS keeps crashing right after launching it. Below is the crash log, and I have no idea how to interprete it or debug it :frowning:.

I thought it was perhaps the Push Notification, because it doesn’t work on the simulator, I commented it out and still keeps crashing. What I guess it might be is access to device storage. The app, right after the splash screen, shows a ActivityIndicator while looking into the device storage for a saved user token, and a few seconds after the ActivityIndicator shows it crashes. I know it won’t find a user token, so then if should display the login screen, but the app crashes before this. I am using expo-secure-store for local storage.

Any suggestion is very welcome, I don’t know where to go from here.

Thank you.

Sep  5 17:43:03 ColdTuna assertiond[1501]: Submitted job with label:[0x5173][1501]
Sep  5 17:43:04 ColdTuna SpringBoard[1496]: [] Bootstrap complete with label:[0x5173][1501]
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: objc[1600]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1268efcc0) and /Applications/ (0x1267066f0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: assertion failed: 16A323 14E8301: libxpc.dylib + 64131 [624BAF4F-2E03-34F8-ACBA-970B04637786]: 0x7d
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: You've implemented -[<UIApplicationDelegate> application:performFetchWithCompletionHandler:], but you still need to add "fetch" to the list of your supported UIBackgroundModes in your Info.plist.
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: You've implemented -[<UIApplicationDelegate> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:], but you still need to add "remote-notification" to the list of your supported UIBackgroundModes in your Info.plist.
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: Expo iOS Runtime Version 33.0.0
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
		Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. 
		Try this: 
			(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; 
			(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. 
	    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000009c660 UIImageView:0x7fca0a50c870.height == 128   (active)>",
	    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000009fbd0 V:|-(>=0)-[UIImageView:0x7fca0a50c870]   (active, names: '|':UIView:0x7fca0a508f70 )>",
	    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000009fc70 V:[UIImageView:0x7fca0a50c870]-(10)-[UIView:0x7fca0a508f70]   (active)>"
	Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint 
	<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000009c660 UIImageView:0x7fca0a50c870.height == 128   (active)>
	Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
	The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
		Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. 
		Try this: 
			(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; 
			(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. 
	    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000009fbd0 V:|-(>=0)-[UIImageView:0x7fca0a50c870]   (active, names: '|':UIView:0x7fca0a508f70 )>",
	    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000009fc70 V:[UIImageView:0x7fca0a50c870]-(10)-[UIView:0x7fca0a508f70]   (active)>"
	Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint 
	<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000009fc70 V:[UIImageView:0x7fca0a50c870]-(10)-[UIView:0x7fca0a508f70]   (active)>
	Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
	The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: Falling back to loading access token from NSUserDefaults because of simulator bug
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: Falling back to storing access token in NSUserDefaults because of simulator bug
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: Falling back to loading access token from NSUserDefaults because of simulator bug
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: Falling back to storing access token in NSUserDefaults because of simulator bug
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: Falling back to loading access token from NSUserDefaults because of simulator bug
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: Falling back to storing access token in NSUserDefaults because of simulator bug
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: Could not successfully update network info during initialization.
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: FBSDKLog: Missing [FBSDKAppEvents appID] for [FBSDKAppEvents publishInstall:]
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: EXManifestResource: Standalone manifest remote url is (
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: EXCachedResource: Using cached resource at /Users/caio/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8EA201E5-CCA1-4D36-9CCD-86C55F6CD45B/data/Containers/Data/Application/183B75B6-AA47-45C1-9341-5AB31AD16D32/Library/Caches/Manifests/shell-app-manifest-3001121766557054392.json...
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: EXCachedResource: Using cached resource at /Users/caio/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8EA201E5-CCA1-4D36-9CCD-86C55F6CD45B/data/Containers/Data/Application/183B75B6-AA47-45C1-9341-5AB31AD16D32/Library/Caches/EXCachedResource/33.0.0-manifestPublicKey-8296452746669970268.pem...
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna SpringBoard[1496]: Remote notifications are not supported in the simulator
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: EXCachedResource: Caching resource to /Users/caio/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8EA201E5-CCA1-4D36-9CCD-86C55F6CD45B/data/Containers/Data/Application/183B75B6-AA47-45C1-9341-5AB31AD16D32/Library/Caches/EXCachedResource/33.0.0-manifestPublicKey-8296452746669970268.pem...
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1479] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: FBSDKLog: Missing [FBSDKAppEvents appEventsState.appID] for [FBSDKAppEvents flushOnMainQueue:]
Sep  5 17:43:05 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: Standalone bundle remote url is
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: EXCachedResource: Using cached resource at /Users/caio/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8EA201E5-CCA1-4D36-9CCD-86C55F6CD45B/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/D415D295-1289-4BF8-9363-E6DE21E6181E/
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: EXManifestResource: Standalone manifest remote url is (
Sep  5 17:43:05 ColdTuna[1600]: EXCachedResource: Not using cache for shell-app-manifest
Sep  5 17:43:06 ColdTuna[1600]: EXCachedResource: Using cached resource at /Users/caio/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8EA201E5-CCA1-4D36-9CCD-86C55F6CD45B/data/Containers/Data/Application/183B75B6-AA47-45C1-9341-5AB31AD16D32/Library/Caches/EXCachedResource/33.0.0-manifestPublicKey-8296452746669970268.pem...
Sep  5 17:43:06 ColdTuna[1600]: EXCachedResource: Caching resource to /Users/caio/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8EA201E5-CCA1-4D36-9CCD-86C55F6CD45B/data/Containers/Data/Application/183B75B6-AA47-45C1-9341-5AB31AD16D32/Library/Caches/EXCachedResource/33.0.0-manifestPublicKey-8296452746669970268.pem...
Sep  5 17:43:06 ColdTuna[1600]: Standalone bundle remote url is
Sep  5 17:43:06 ColdTuna[1600]: EXCachedResource: Using cached resource at /Users/caio/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8EA201E5-CCA1-4D36-9CCD-86C55F6CD45B/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/D415D295-1289-4BF8-9363-E6DE21E6181E/
Sep  5 17:43:06 ColdTuna[1600]: EXManifestResource: Caching manifest to /Users/caio/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8EA201E5-CCA1-4D36-9CCD-86C55F6CD45B/data/Containers/Data/Application/183B75B6-AA47-45C1-9341-5AB31AD16D32/Library/Caches/Manifests/shell-app-manifest-3001121766557054392.json...
Sep  5 17:43:08 ColdTuna SpringBoard[1496]: UNSUserNotificationServerConnectionListener connection invalidated
Sep  5 17:43:08 ColdTuna SpringBoard[1496]: [KeyboardArbiter] HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Sep  5 17:43:08 ColdTuna[1479] ([0x5173][1501][1600]): Service exited due to Abort trap: 6
Sep  5 17:43:08 ColdTuna backboardd[1497]: [Common] Unable to get short BSD proc info for 1600: No such process
Sep  5 17:43:08 ColdTuna backboardd[1497]: [Common] Unable to get proc info for 1600: Undefined error: 0
Sep  5 17:43:13 ColdTuna assertiond[1501]: Deleted job with label:[0x5173][1501]

None of these look like fatal errors. Are you using ExpoKit or the Bare workflow? What version of Xcode? What version of iOS is on the simulator? What line of code does it crash on? (it usually stops there in Xcode if you’re debugging to the simulator). When it stops there, what does the stack trace look like? (this usually shows up to the left on Xcode when it stops at the offending line of code).

Thanks for the response @llamaluvr!

I am using ExpoKit workflow along with:

  • Xcode 8.3.3 (thru Virtual Box running MacOS Sierra 10.12 on the latest Ubuntu)
  • iOS 10.3 in the simulator

Anything above Xcode 8.3.3 won’t run on Sierra, so that’s what I got for now. My MacBook died and I can’t afford a new one at the moment.

The system log outputs this right before shutting down the app:

ColdTuna SpringBoard[820]: UNSUserNotificationServerConnectionListener connection invalidated
ColdTuna SpringBoard[820]: [KeyboardArbiter] HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
ColdTuna[803] ([0x52e9][825][1147]): Service exited due to Abort trap: 6
ColdTuna backboardd[821]: [Common] Unable to get short BSD proc info for 1147: No such process
ColdTuna backboardd[821]: [Common] Unable to get proc info for 1147: Undefined error: 0
ColdTuna assertiond[825]: Deleted job with label:[0x52e9][825]
ColdTuna watchlistd[890]: Now playing app did change to '(null)' (playing: 0) from '(null)'
ColdTuna watchlistd[890]: WLKPlaybackSummary - Parameter failed validation bundleID. It is nil
ColdTuna routined[809]: CoreLocation: Error occurred while trying to retrieve motion state update: CMErrorDomain Code:104

To be clear, the app shows the splash screen, then starts loading the app showing the ActivityIndicator and a few seconds later it shuts down. iOS doesn’t show an error crash per se, it just exits back to the home screen.

Maybe it has something to do with the keyboard? I use the Keyboard module from ‘react-native’ to dismiss the keyboard in the Login form.

I also have two logs from Apple Store Connect review team. I sent in the App hoping it would run as it did for Android, to find out it doesn’t. This is my first time submitting an app for iOS, so it is all new to me. I’m much more familiar with Android and Google Play.

The logs are too long to post here; here’s the links to the Google drive file:


The error flag seems to be EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY? I’m looking into it.

It could be that old version of Xcode. I’m not sure what their cutoff is (as RN is a little ahead of Expo), but RN requires Xcode 9.4 or newer: Introduction · React Native. To keep yourself mostly going on development, you may want to look into a combination of using the Expo client where possible for JS development while running a newer version of Xcode on something like MacInCloud:

(see "Using the Expo Client and web in the bare workflow (Expo SDK 34 is now available. Expo SDK v34.0.0 is out today and is… | by Eric Samelson | Exposition) for how to continue using the Expo client despite being ejected. I’m an ExpoKit user and I do this for 95% of my development, just moving to Xcode when I either need to test something that only works on a standalone app or need to do a production build).

Thanks man, I’m gonna look into those links. I really enjoy using JS for app development, it seems to be much simpler and faster to develop than Java/Android, plus you get the iOS bundle along, if you can get it to work :stuck_out_tongue:

I have Mojave installed on another VirtualBox instance, but it doesn’t run as good, last time I tried I had some problems with it, I’ll see if I can get that running.

Anyway, I’m closing in my issue, it is around this thread:

Thread 3 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.facebook.react.ShadowQueue
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	0x000000010cc9fdda __pthread_kill + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x000000010ccd7797 pthread_kill + 90
2   libsystem_c.dylib             	0x000000010ca3188f abort + 127
3         	0x00000001026ca4db YGVLog(YGConfig*, YGNode*, YGLogLevel, char const*, __va_list_tag*) + 68
4         	0x00000001026c5d09 YGLog + 155
5         	0x00000001026cab5a YGBaseline(YGNode*) + 95
6         	0x00000001026cabee YGBaseline(YGNode*) + 243
7         	0x00000001026cabee YGBaseline(YGNode*) + 243
8         	0x00000001026cabee YGBaseline(YGNode*) + 243
9         	0x00000001026c794a YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 7203
10         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
11         	0x00000001026cb641 YGNodeComputeFlexBasisForChild(YGNode*, YGNode*, float, YGMeasureMode, float, float, float, YGMeasureMode, YGDirection, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1679
12         	0x00000001026c6943 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 3100
13         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
14         	0x00000001026cb641 YGNodeComputeFlexBasisForChild(YGNode*, YGNode*, float, YGMeasureMode, float, float, float, YGMeasureMode, YGDirection, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1679
15         	0x00000001026c6943 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 3100
16         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
17         	0x00000001026cb641 YGNodeComputeFlexBasisForChild(YGNode*, YGNode*, float, YGMeasureMode, float, float, float, YGMeasureMode, YGDirection, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1679
18         	0x00000001026c6943 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 3100
19         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
20         	0x00000001026cb641 YGNodeComputeFlexBasisForChild(YGNode*, YGNode*, float, YGMeasureMode, float, float, float, YGMeasureMode, YGDirection, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1679
21         	0x00000001026c6943 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 3100
22         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
23         	0x00000001026cb641 YGNodeComputeFlexBasisForChild(YGNode*, YGNode*, float, YGMeasureMode, float, float, float, YGMeasureMode, YGDirection, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1679
24         	0x00000001026c6943 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 3100
25         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
26         	0x00000001026cb641 YGNodeComputeFlexBasisForChild(YGNode*, YGNode*, float, YGMeasureMode, float, float, float, YGMeasureMode, YGDirection, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1679
27         	0x00000001026c6943 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 3100
28         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
29         	0x00000001026cb641 YGNodeComputeFlexBasisForChild(YGNode*, YGNode*, float, YGMeasureMode, float, float, float, YGMeasureMode, YGDirection, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1679
30         	0x00000001026c6943 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 3100
31         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
32         	0x00000001026c7d68 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 8257
33         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
34         	0x00000001026c7d68 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 8257
35         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
36         	0x00000001026c7d68 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 8257
37         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
38         	0x00000001026c9274 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 13645
39         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
40         	0x00000001026c7d68 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 8257
41         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
42         	0x00000001026c7d68 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 8257
43         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
44         	0x00000001026c7d68 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 8257
45         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
46         	0x00000001026c7d68 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 8257
47         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
48         	0x00000001026c7d68 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 8257
49         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
50         	0x00000001026c7d68 YGNodelayoutImpl(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 8257
51         	0x00000001026c5a56 YGLayoutNodeInternal(YGNode*, float, float, YGDirection, YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureMode, float, float, bool, char const*, YGConfig*, YGMarkerLayoutData&) + 1288
52         	0x00000001026c9d96 YGNodeCalculateLayout + 846
53         	0x000000010264a2c3 -[RCTShadowView layoutWithMinimumSize:maximumSize:layoutDirection:layoutContext:] + 217
54         	0x000000010263e10e -[RCTRootShadowView layoutWithAffectedShadowViews:] + 185
55         	0x0000000102666163 -[RCTUIManager uiBlockWithLayoutUpdateForRootView:] + 113
56         	0x000000010266adcd -[RCTUIManager _layoutAndMount] + 380
57         	0x00000001025e1976 __32-[RCTCxxBridge batchDidComplete]_block_invoke + 52
58  libdispatch.dylib             	0x000000010c91f585 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
59  libdispatch.dylib             	0x000000010c940792 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
60  libdispatch.dylib             	0x000000010c926237 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 1022
61  libdispatch.dylib             	0x000000010c92698f _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1053
62  libdispatch.dylib             	0x000000010c928899 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 813
63  libdispatch.dylib             	0x000000010c92850d _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 113
64  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x000000010ccd4746 _pthread_wqthread + 1299
65  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x000000010ccd4221 start_wqthread + 13

I’m researching this now; we’ll see how it goes.

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