IOS push notification fail

Hi, this is the repeat question from another topic that is closed without me seeing an answer.
I have published standalone ios app in testflight, but each time I try to send notification, it does not show up.
I check the receipt from expo link and I got this:
: {
“status”: “error”,
“message”: “The Apple Push Notification service unexpectedly dropped the connection. Retry sending the notification later.”,
“details”: {
“sentAt”: 1535960646
“__debug”: {
“internalError”: “stream ended unexpectedly”
So, what does this mean? Do I miss something for aps integration? Or is it because apple service dead?
Thanks for whoever helping.

Hi, any help? The message still shows up when I check so I assume it must be something about setting for APS. I already followed the guide for creating APS and also I already follow the add firebase to expo push. But I don’t see anything regarding IOS app in the docs there.


Ok, in the end letting Expo handle all the certificates and provisions solve this problem.
So it is okay to close this

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