iOS build rejected due to 2. 4 Performance: Hardware Compatibility - iPad running iOS 11.1 using the 3.5-inch viewport

Android version of my app had no problem with Expo standalone build the app is already available on Google Play store. But iOS build is giving me a bit of challenge. Testflight seemed fine, but when I submit it to the store, I got a rejection.

From Apple:

Guideline 2.4.1 - Performance - Hardware Compatibility

We noticed that your app did not run or display as expected when viewed on iPad running iOS 11.1 using the 3.5-inch viewport. Please see attached screenshots for details.

When I tested it on iPad simulator, it looked fine. But the screenshot they sent me does look cropped so my plan is to set “supportsTablet” to true in app.json, rebuild and re-submit.

I’m still waiting on them to approve this version so I can re-submit the binary.

I hate Ap… if someone could share some insight, I’d really appreciate it.

Thank you

hi there! did you test the build in the simulator, or did you test it from the expo client? if just expo client, this raises a question for me – perhaps we should warn people if their app doesn’t have the “supportsTablet” option enabled, because the result will be different when they run a build. you can do exp build:ios -t simulator and then install that binary in your simulator to see what the standalone build would actually look like in that case

i expect that adding supportsTablet and resubmitting should resolve the issue, but perhaps this is something that we can handle warning people for better

I tested from the expo client - I think; if it means that the expo packager is running in the background as a shell/channel (I didn’t use the application though, I just did npm run ios.)
I also downloaded a testflight version of the app and tested it on the actual device(Which I thought was the same thing… ).

Thank you for your tip on exp build:ios -t simulator - this is very helpful :slight_smile:
I just resubmitted the build and now it’s waiting for review - I’ll update on the review here whenever they get back to me - for those who might have the same issue.

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Got it approved yesterday and it is now on Apple Store. So if anyone gets rejected due to this,

Guideline 2.4.1 - Performance - Hardware Compatibility

We noticed that your app did not run or display as expected when viewed on iPad running iOS 11.1 using the 3.5-inch viewport. Please see attached screenshots for details.

Try to set set “supportsTablet” to true in app.json, and that might solve the issue.


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