iOS build not completing

I’ve had the following message going for several hours. Could someone cancel my build so I can try again?

I do not know the build ID but this is the app that i am trying to build

Many thanks

[exp] Making sure project is set up correctly…
[exp] Your project looks good!
[exp] Checking if current build exists…

[exp] ============
[exp] Build Status
[exp] ============

[exp] iOS: Build in progress…


I’m sorry for the trouble.

I think the reason your build isn’t completing is that it seems like Chai and Cookie was built with SDK 15 and we just dropped support for SDK 15. You’ll have to upgrade to a newer version of Expo to make a standalone app build.

This doc might help with that.
We’d advise upgrading to SDK 22, the latest release.

I’ll also clear out your build from our build servers. It’s stupid that it didn’t give you a clear error message. Sorry about that. We’ll fix that soon.


i think your build should be cleared out now but let me know if it isn’t.