iOS build fails: validateProvisioningProfile: provisioning profile is not associated with uploaded distribution certificate

I have a problem with building my iOS app.

I have followed the steps from: Error: validateProvisioningProfile: provisioning profile is not associated with uploaded distribution certificate - #2 by adamjnav
but still the same error.

Then I have tried to delete them manually and to run expo build:ios -c but again this error :frowning:

Even I have tried with expo build:ios -c --revoke-apple-dist-certs --revoke-apple-push-certs --revoke-apple-provisioning-profile, deleted all certs and provisions, then I select Let Expo handle the process and then the error is

Please remove the duplicate profiles and try again.

How to remove the duplicate profiles when I have deleted with --revoke-apple-dist-certs and Expo handles the process?

Any help is welcome. Thanks :slight_smile:

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