Incompatibility between local runtime versions and EAS Build

I don’t understand properly this warning when building my app, if anyone know what i have to do.

Runtime version from the app config evaluated on your local machine (1.2.5) does not match the one resolved here (null).
If you're using conditional app configs, e.g. depending on an environment variable, make sure to set the variable in eas.json or configure it with EAS Secret.

workflow: managed
eas-cli: 1.1.1

I tried to add custom runtimeVersion as said to the doc to “1.x.x” but expo doctor error appear then.

Make sure you have latest expo and expo-updates packages, appVersion policy was added recently. Check version in lockfile or directly in node modules, do not rely on value in package.json.

I tried to add custom runtimeVersion as said to the doc to “1.x.x” but expo doctor error appear then.

Are you sure you added it correctly? In one of your older builds I saw sth like
runtimeVersion: { policy: '1.0.0' } but it should be runtimeVersion: '1.0.0'

I reproduced the issue with ‘appVersion’ policy, it looks like it’s the issue with detecting runtime version on our side. If you have latest packages, then this message is a false positive.


Yes, for the custom runtimeVersion i made this mistake but i correct it later.

big thanks for your help, i ignored the warning during the build considering it a false positive as you said and i tested the build with different branches and everything works fine.
I hope that the complete support to make disappear this false positive will appear soon.

Fix landed earlier today, new builds shouldn’t have that warning anymore.