Icon and Splash are not showing with the image I want, they are with the default

I run eas build --profile apk and the Icon and Splash are not showing with the image I want, they are with the default.

My eas.json:

    "cli": {
      "version": ">= 0.46.0"
    "build": {
      "development": {
        "developmentClient": true,
        "distribution": "internal"
      "apk": {
        "android": {
          "buildType": "apk"
      "production": {}
    "submit": {
      "production": {}

When i run with expo build the Icon and Splash appear with the image I want.

Hey @alexandrelms350, can you share your env info (via expo diagnostics) as well as what type of project/version numbers you are building?