I can't update the Android app icon (in play store) what am I doing wrong?

I really want to update the Android app icon. But I can’t. When I update the app.json, it updates the icon INSIDE the mobile phone, but it won’t update the app icon that’s show in the Google Play Store.

Could someone please help me?

Here is my app.json code

“expo”: {

“icon”: “./assets/images/icon-android.png”,

“assetBundlePatterns”: [
“ios”: {

“splash”: {

“android”: {
“package”: “…”,
“versionCode”: …,
“permissions”: […],
“icon”: “./assets/images/icon-android.png”,
“adaptiveIcon”: {
“foregroundImage”: “./assets/images/icon-android.png”,
“backgroundColor”: “#3eccec
“splash”: {


Changes to your app.json only take effect upon rebuilding, not publishing (OTA updates).

Besides a new build, I believe you can update the icon displayed in Google Play by uploading the updated icon to the Store Listing tab of the Play Console, although I haven’t done this so I’m not 100% sure if this still works.

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