How to handle keyboard when i have a long form

Hi, I have a long form which i need the user to input information. How do i make sure the keyboard dont hide the form inputs:


Things i have tried:

  1. KeyboardAvoidingView · React Native – Works on both ios and android but breaks my flex layout.
  2. Keyboard Aware ScrollView - Works on IOS and not on android
  3. APSL/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view - Works fine on IOS but no integration can be done on android as manifest xml needs to be configured.

Can you please suggest what’s the right way to do this?

Hi, i think #1 would be the recommended solution. If you decide it’s better to use #3 you may need to detach to ExpoKit, but I think it’s more worth your time to just get #1 working with your layout.

Hi @kaushikdas

I’m also working on this usecase. I did put my Input inside a ScrollView.
i will try to programmatically scroll to the focused input everytime a new one is focused. (maybe using its index if the height is static).

Did you find a solution by your own ?

Try: GitHub - wix/react-native-keyboard-aware-scrollview: Created by artald