How to create responsive website?

Now expo supports also web (using ‘react-native-web’), but how it is possible to make the web version responsive? There exist a package similar to bootstrap for ‘react-native-web’ which allows to easily create responsive website?


I haven’t tried this myself, but since React Native uses flexbox I would look into how to create responsive UIs with flexbox.

The following might also help:

As of my last update in September 2021, Expo supports web development using the react-native-web library, which allows you to build web applications using the same codebase as your React Native mobile app. However, unlike Bootstrap, react-native-web itself does not provide a built-in responsive design system.

To create responsive web applications with react-native-web, you have a few options:

  1. Use Flexbox and Media Queries:
    Flexbox is a powerful layout system in both React Native and CSS, and it works well for building responsive designs. You can use Flexbox to create flexible and adaptive layouts that adjust to different screen sizes. Additionally, you can use CSS media queries to apply different styles based on the screen width, allowing you to create responsive designs for various devices.

  2. Leverage Responsive Components:
    You can create reusable responsive components using react-native-web that adapt their appearance and behavior based on the available screen space. For example, you can use the Dimensions API from React Native to detect the screen size and conditionally render different styles or components.

  3. CSS Frameworks:
    While react-native-web itself does not include a responsive framework like Bootstrap, you can integrate third-party CSS frameworks that provide responsive utilities and components. Some popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, or Tailwind CSS offer responsive design features that can be used in conjunction with react-native-web to build responsive web applications.

  4. Responsive Libraries:
    Although not specifically designed for react-native-web, there are some libraries that focus on creating responsive UI components for React. You can explore libraries like react-responsive, react-grid-system, or styled-components with responsive design capabilities to help you build adaptable web interfaces.

Remember that responsiveness in web development requires thoughtful design and consideration for various screen sizes and devices. It’s essential to test your web application on different devices and use responsive design principles to ensure a smooth user experience across platforms.

As technology and libraries continue to evolve, it’s possible that new tools or approaches may become available. Always check the official documentation and community resources for the latest updates and best practices when working with react-native-web.

For more information check this:

The question is too old but still does matter for lots of individuals.
Well, this feature of the expo will enable you to develop react native web, which enables you to develop web applications alongside your React native app.
I had also seen this article where the same kind of stuff is published by an author like this question - How to create responsive website?