How to create iOS app for app store with local credentials?

I don’t have access to apple developer account.
but I have the p12 distribution and mobile provisional certificates from the client.

When I try to create ios app with expo cli without login:

  1. It ask me the password for the certificate. There’s no password set on the certificate how can I give a blank input?
  2. Then it ask for apple team ID (from where can I get it?)
  3. I also want to know what else are required to build app without login.

There’s no documentation or resources available on the expo site for it.

You can use local credentials

Or when prompted by cli you can answer no to apple login prompt and provide credentials in cli. Note that this option is fine for appstore/tesflight but it will not work for distribution: internal

For ad-hoc builds (internal) you need to have a different provisioning profile that contains a list of devices that it will be run on.

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I tried providing the credentials in cli but it is asking for the password and isn’t taking empty password.

A sorry I missed that in original question, we require a password for the distribution certificate, because creating p12 file without password is broken in macos keychain (or at least incompatible with other tooling e.g node-forge and openssl implements that differentlly).
As far as I remember you can import that cert into your keychain and export it as new p12 file with password.

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This time. I have uploaded the correct distribution p12 file with password and apple team ID. I am still getting error and can’t progress any further. I even manually added on expo web page credentials still no output.