How do we switch away from jcenter to a private repo

jcenter is down again. This time due to an expired SSL certificate. Is there a way of swapping the repository EAS uses with our own repo or at least swap it to maven central?

Hi @trajano

What library/libraries is it trying to download from JCenter? You might be able to upgrade them or else you might need a config plugin to put other repositories before jcenter():

 repositories {

See also: android - Is JCenter down permanently (31 Oct)? - Stack Overflow

I think it’s react-native-pager-view so we probably just need to update that one component

[RUN_GRADLEW]       > Could not resolve org.jdom:jdom2:2.0.6.
[RUN_GRADLEW]         Required by:
[RUN_GRADLEW]             project :react-native-pager-view > >
[RUN_GRADLEW]          > Could not resolve org.jdom:jdom2:2.0.6.
[RUN_GRADLEW]             > Could not get resource ''.
[RUN_GRADLEW]                > Could not HEAD ''.
[RUN_GRADLEW]                   > The server may not support the client's requested TLS protocol versions: (TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3). You may need to configure the client to allow other protocols to be used. See:
[RUN_GRADLEW]                      > PKIX path validation failed: validity check failed

It seems to be version locked to an older version in Expo 45 though.

However, I would rather use my own repo Declaring repositories is there a way to do it globally?

I think you should be able to insert the relevant stuff from that link into the right place in build.gradle using a config plugin.

Off hand I don’t know if there’s another way to do it. (I don’t know much about gradle.)

In AzureDevOps but the concept is portable across

      - bash: |
          mkdir $HOME/.gradle
          cat <<EOT > $HOME/.gradle/init.gradle
          allprojects {
            repositories {
        displayName: Set maven repo

The above works but to really solve my issue to use a private repo that we’d have full control over.

      - bash: |
          mkdir $HOME/.gradle
          cat <<EOT > $HOME/.gradle/init.gradle
          allprojects {
            repositories {
              maven {
                url "https://myrepo"
                username "..."
                password "..."
        displayName: Set maven repo
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