how do we access the data generated from the pedometer API?

hey, i’m just a beginner to react-native.
i was wondering if there’s any way to access the data generated by the pedometer API (from expo docs).
in my case, i need to access the number of steps.
i mean i am trying to get that data and send it to a database to store it and again retrieve it back to mobile.
is there any way? is it possible ? for the API data to hit to a database and get stored over there and re-hit to Application.
i just want the number of steps taken by the user to be stored.
thank you in advance

You mean this? Pedometer - Expo Documentation

yes @buishi that’s the pedometer ive used and i want the step count generated by that API
ive created an APK file and able to run it on my device
thank you

It looks pretty straightforward, something like this should work:

async getSteps() {
  const start = new Date();
  const end = start - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
  const getSteps = await Expo.Pedometer.getStepCountAsync(start, end);
  return getSteps.steps;

(returns steps for the last day)

im able to get the steps with this method.

 const end = new Date();
    const start = new Date();
    start.setDate(end.getDate() - 1);
    Pedometer.getStepCountAsync(start, end).then(
      result => {
        this.setState({ pastStepCount: result.steps });
      error => {
          pastStepCount: "Could not get stepCount: " + error

but im asking if i can access the storage space on the mobile where its being stored, so that i can redirect that
to firebase database and again post it on my device.
the data is being reset if i clear my cache data of the app.
if theres any way to access that cache storage or any other ways to access that would be very helpful.
thank you.

You need to use some sort of storage. I use redux, react-redux and redux persist, but if your needs are basic, you could use AsyncStorage (react native’s built in storage tool, here).

    const end = new Date();
    const start = new Date();
    start.setDate(end.getDate() - 1);
    Pedometer.getStepCountAsync(start, end).then(
      result => {
        this.setState({ pastStepCount: result.steps }, async () => {
           await AsyncStorage.setItem('steps', result.steps);
      error => {
          pastStepCount: "Could not get stepCount: " + error
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