How can I run a native iOS app on device not through Expo app?

How can I run a native iOS app on device not through Expo app? — I am still trying to get an artifact with AR released. I have gone through all of this ejection stuff an am building “successfully,” and shipped to testflight but the app crashes immediately on start up. Looking at the app via Xcode it appears there is a clang error on Amplitude-iOS not being found, but Pod.lock, pod install, pod update, pod outdated, and “Other Linking Flags” all disagree. It appears installed. — Even so, I am not convinced that this is the root cause of a runtime error. — In my past ObjC days I would run my app locally on the device through Xcode and watch the IDE term for crash logs to start my investigation, but this blows as stated above. — So in short, it appears Amplitude is in place, Xcode says its not, Xcode wont let me run locally, Fastlane WILL build an IPA that is valid and can be successfully pushed to Testflight, I can install this artifact and start it. It crashes immediately. I now want to run locally to debug. — Any suggestions?

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