Help: Unable to deliver .ipa file built using expo to App Store Connect

I am unable to successfully deliver an .ipa to the App Store Connect.
Build is successful, and I am able to load that build onto a device using xcode.
Build is successfully delivered on Transporter App.
However, build does not show up in App Store Connect; and I receive the following email:


Dear Developer,

We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, “XXXX” 1.0.0 (0.1.5). Please correct the following issues, then upload again.

ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.

Best regards,

The App Store Team


Diagnostic Information

expo CLI 4.4.7 environment info:
OS: macOS 11.4
Shell: 5.8 - /bin/zsh
Node: 14.17.0 - /usr/local/bin/node
Yarn: 1.22.10 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
npm: 6.14.13 - /usr/local/bin/npm
Platforms: iOS 14.5, DriverKit 20.4, macOS 11.3, tvOS 14.5, watchOS 7.4
Xcode: 12.5/12E262 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild
expo: ^41.0.1 => 41.0.1
react: 16.13.1 => 16.13.1
react-dom: 16.13.1 => 16.13.1
react-native: => 0.63.2
react-native-web: ~0.13.12 => 0.13.18
react-navigation: ^4.4.4 => 4.4.4
expo-cli: 4.4.7
Expo Workflow: managed

Hey @cole.obrien-amberarr, after googling for that ITMS message, it seems that people have encountered this when trying to upload a binary that has been provisioned for ad hoc distribution. Is there a chance that is the case here?


Hi Adam,

I think that might be the case, thanks for googling that, I promise I have been pulling my hair out and googling myself. I will update this after I have looked into that.


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