Having trouble implementing universal links

I was semi-able to get the deep linking to work with android (in production), but am having a very tough time getting it to work on my iPhone. I was able to get it working in development, of course everything fell apart when I attempted to add /.well-known/apple-app-site-association to my server. On my web page my routes normally look like this: https://www.example.com/post?id=1234567 - which would take the user to a specific post based on the id param. Here’s what I have for my apple-app-site-association file:

  "applinks": {
      "apps": [],
      "details": [
             "appID": "TEAMID123.com.example.example",
             "components": [
                  "/": "/post",
                  "comment": "Matches post routes"
                  "/": "/milestone",
                  "comment": "Matches milestone routes"
                  "/": "/milestones",
                  "comment": "Matches milestones routes"
                  "/": "/podcast",
                  "comment": "Matches podcast routes"
                  "/": "/podcasts",
                  "comment": "Matches podcasts routes"
                  "/": "/jobpost",
                  "comment": "Matches job routes"
                  "/": "/jobs",
                  "comment": "Matches jobs routes"
                  "/": "/quiz",
                  "comment": "Matches quiz routes"
                  "/": "/announcement",
                  "comment": "Matches announcement routes"
                  "/": "/userprofile",
                  "comment": "Matches profile routes"
             "paths": [

And here’s what I have in my app.json file for my expo project:

"ios": {
      "associatedDomains": [

I also enabled the “Associated Domains” application service as explained here: Linking - Expo Documentation (also ran expo build:ios --clear-provisioning-profile and reset the profile on my next build). Went ahead and pushed a new binary to the app store and according to the branch io AASA validator everything is coming back good.

Any ideas where I might be going wrong?