gradlew error when building in development or production mode

hello friends, I installed the google admob package in my project, but I am getting this error while getting build. Where am I doing wrong?

ResimLink - Resim YĆ¼kle

ResimLink - Resim YĆ¼kle

ResimLink - Resim YĆ¼kle

build error
ResimLink - Resim YĆ¼kle

Hi @mehmeterdogan

It seems that there two places where DELAY_APP_MEASUREMENT_INIT is being set. One place is setting it to true and the other to false. Off hand Iā€™m not sure why that might be, but I see you can supposedly adjust this from the plugin parameters. Maybe give that a try?

Delaying app measurement

If that doesnā€™t help you might need to ask the react-native-google-mobile-ads project for help.

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I will try this.

So what is the reason for this error?

ResimLink - Resim YĆ¼kle

Are you running a development build on the emulator? Or are you running the Expo Go app?
It will not work in Expo Go because the native code from RN Google Mobile Ads is not included in Expo Go. So you will need to create a development build and install that instead of Expo Go.

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yes you are right, i need to run it in development environment. Thanks.

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