GestureHandler is not defined in Expo 27.0.2

Did the location of GestureHandler change (specifically PinchGestureHandler), or is this simply an error with the build? It works fine in 27.0.1.

import { GestureHandler } from ‘expo’;
const { PinchGestureHandler } = GestureHandler; //Cannot read property ‘PinchGestureHandler’ of undefined

import { PinchGestureHandler } from GestureHandler;

this is wrong, it should be

const { PinchGestureHandler } = GestureHandler;

Sorry I am actually using const { PinchGestureHandler } = GestureHandler;

I just copied it wrong in this post

gotcha. fixed for sdk28 (to be released soon). for now import from react-native-gesture-handler directly:


ok thanks

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