Generate Info.plist file for new Apple Transporter requirements


With the new changes to Xcode coming out, Apple is now bringing back its Transporter tool (iTMSTransporter) to upload asset files (.ipa) to the store.

For those of us who don’t own a Mac, the Transporter tool is available on both Linux and Windows. However, it requires to provide an AppStoreInfo.plist file that we don’t have. Would it be possible to generate this file?

Hey @officiumlive,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Right now there isn’t a way for you to get the AppStoreInfo.plist file. Could you try running the expo upload:ios command? It uses Fastlane behind the scenes and hopefully this will allow you to still upload a binary.


Hi @adamjnav!

The expo upload:ios command is only supported on macOS.

This request was enabling the only requirement to be able to upload using other OS.


Based on what apple docs say Transporter on linux and windows supports only

is this issue resolved? any update?

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