First (Personal) Expo App - Memory Training - Card Pairs

I released Memory Training - Card Pairs onto the Play Store this evening, this is my first personal project launched to the store using Expo.

I must say, using Expo was a breeze, if I can think of any constructive feedback, i’ll follow up in this post, for now though, thanks for creating and maintaining the project, Expo certainly saved me a lot of time v.s. “native” react native, which I love also of course!.

In short, the game is a model of the classic card pairs game, lots of card packs to unlock, and some cool new networking features coming shortly.

Link to play store listing

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Just to check back in, the app is going great, I have taken advantage of the app updates via Expo’s publish, when a couple of bugs “snuck” into production (side project with my boy, don’t hate for lack of tests LOL)

Have since launched a nice suite of graphs, which let you visualise your performance when playing the game, thanks to react-native-svg + react-native-svg-charts!

iOS link is now available, forgot to update the original post!

Link to iOS store listing

Android link above :slight_smile: