firebase.firestore is not a function. (In 'firebase.firestore()', 'firebase.firestore' is undefined)

Whenever I try to initialize ‘firebase.firestore’ with expo on android & ios platform, it keep returning the error : firebase.firestore is not a function. (In ‘firebase.firestore()’, ‘firebase.firestore’ is undefined)

it’s working normally on JS web platform. Beside, other all firebase related function, such as ‘auth’, ‘database’ etc are working normally as well only except ‘firestore’

snack link : rebellious cereal - Snack

I think, snack doens’t return firebase.firestore function normally when it comes to Android or IOS platform.

import * as React from ‘react’;
import { Text, View, StyleSheet } from ‘react-native’;
import * as firebase from ‘firebase’
import “firebase/auth”;
import “firebase/firestore”

export default function App() {

const firebaseConfig = {

 ///firebase configuration/////

const storeService = firebase.firestore();

return (

 ///// JSX code////


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