FCM Device not registered

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 42
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): ios

Good morning,
since the last few dev builds i get a wrong ExponentPushToken. In Expo Go it works, but in standalone its another Token as some builds before. Whats the reason that Tokens are changing? Build Number? Version Number?
All other recipients (with old production version) get push notifications.
I cant send a update to all others without knowing the reason and if it works then.

maybe good to know. Before i create the standalone versions with expo build, and now with eas.

I would be interested in knowing this as well.

What we do is that we have a hook, that triggers on foreground, that updates the push token with our api.

Hey @systemcheck, you can read here about the different cases regarding push token values changing (Push Notifications Troubleshooting & FAQ - Expo Documentation). As for your problem, I’m a little confused. The post title mentions FCM and your topic states the affected platform is iOS. FCM isn’t supported for iOS apps. Can you clarify exactly what is happening here?


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The error is gone on itself one day after topic starts. Maybe only a temporary error by getting expo pushtokens. The service wasnt available at this day. Now it works without changes.

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