exponent_server_sdk.DeviceNotRegisteredError: The recipient device is not registered with FCM.

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 42.0.1
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android,iOS
  3. Add the appropriate “Tag” based on what Expo library you have a question on.

Hi! I have troubles err “exponent_server_sdk.DeviceNotRegisteredError: The recipient device is not registered with FCM.”
I can’t find the reason why anymore…
I used expo-notificaitons and my service is released!
I’m okay but others have troubles…
I don’t know how I have to do when multiple devices is operating…
I checked that android fcm token is existing in “credentials of expo.dev.”.
Is there anything I have to check more?

Sorry… I can’t speak English well… If you can’t understand, please give me your comment!
Thank you all:)

#notifications #sdk #fcm #notRegistered

Hey @ekfvnddl99, this error indicates that the end user has either uninstalled your app or disabled notifications for it. See (Sending Notifications with Expo's Push API - Expo Documentation)

You can find a basic implementation of error handling for push tickets here.


Thank You! I did’nt find that… Really thank you!!! Have a good day:)


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