expo-splash-screen how to continiue showing the default splash screen

I’m in bare workflow just to make it more clear.

So right now I use :

const LangWrapper = props => {
    const [hasLoadedLang, setHasLoadedLang] = useState(false);
    useEffect(() => {
        ((async ()=>{
            await sleep(5000);
    }, []);

        return <AppLoading/>

    return props.children

and AppLoding is :

const AppLoading = () => {
    useEffect(() => {
        SplashScreen.preventAutoHideAsync().catch(() => {});
        return () => {
            SplashScreen.hideAsync().catch(() => {});
    return <View>
        <Text>Hello </Text>

So now the default splash screen runs then it comes to my screen which has a Hello text in it then the app starts.So I have two splash screens which is stupid.

How can I load the first (default) splash screen into the View so it just looks exactly the same?Or any better way to do this?