Expo Router nesting Stacks in Tabs

I am experimenting with Expo router - migrating from React Navigation, but with a clean setup. I am struggling with Nested Stacks within Tabs . Take the following for example;

- (dashboard)/
- - _layout.tsx (defines the tab layout corretly)
- - home/
- - - index.tsx
- - profile/
- - - index.tsx
- - search/
- - - index.tsx
- - - nested-stack/
- - - - _layout.tsx (defining the Stack layout)
- - - - another-screen.tsx

Not only does another-screen appear in the Tab Navigation (can be manually removed), but when i navigate to it, all context of the Tabs are lost - the tab navigator is not persisted at the bottom as desired. I know this is possible in React Navigation with some nested Navigators, but i must be doing something wrong hereā€¦ Thanks in advance

did you find a solution to this?