Expo Push notifications on standalone ios (Testflight)

I’ve some issues when sending push notifications to an ios standalone app currently running in testflight.

When I try the push notification tool Expo push tool. I get the push sent without any error message. I assume that my expotoken now is alright and the problem is elsewhere.

By further investingating the push notifications I ran the following to commands in terminal.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://exp.host/--/api/v2/push/send -d '{"to": "ExponentPushToken[sxA_bxGq-7kq58il-****]","title":"hello","body": "world" }'

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "https://exp.host/--/api/v2/push/getReceipts" -d '{"ids":["mylongid"]}'

I get the following error
“The Apple Push Notification service unexpectedly dropped the connection. Retry sending the notification later.” and I’ve tried to send it quite some times so I guess there are som other problems regarding my settings at developer.apple.com

I’ve tried to activate the APN and Apple Push Services on developer.apple.com. Is this all wrong? Do I need anything here at all or can expo handle all these settings?
I did try to detach the app in the past and then I added some settings developer.apple.com. I’ve a hard time finding information on expo webpage about those settings and that is why I’m concerned that I might not need them at all.

Thanks for any advice in advance

I’m trying to startover by deleting all certificates from developer.apple.com and then running

exp build:ios -c

Credentials was created for the production version. But not for developer.
By adding push notifications for the sandbox account it all started working.

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